Page 126 - Ocean Blue World 26th Edition
P. 126

Exploring innEr pEacE
 In complicated times, more and more people are turning to meditation to ease anxiety and depression. Studies show that meditating for just 10 minutes a day can have beneficial effects on the brain’s alpha waves,
and help people to relax, focus, become present and in the moment. Meditation has even been shown to lower blood pressure and help with insomnia.
And, of course, there’s an app for that, with multiple platforms available to help people channel their thoughts and guide them through sessions that can be as short as five minutes.
Headspace offers a vast array of guided meditations, as does Calm, where you can also listen to celebrities like Matthew McConaughey and Harry Styles read you bedtime stories.
There are plenty of other platforms and podcasts to choose from that cater to beginners interested in any form of meditation, and there are plenty of practices to choose from, including Buddhist perspectives like Thich Nhat Hans’ in his book The Miracle of Mindfulness and physician Jon Kabat-Zinn who offers weekly chats on meditation via his YouTube channel. These act like training wheels to get you started in this quick, easy and simple tool to fight stress in today’s society by purifying the mind and thus rejuvenating the body.
“Learn to slow down. Get lost intentionally. Observe how you judge both yourself and those around you.” — Tim Ferriss
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