Page 113 - Ocean Blue World Edition 29th
P. 113

  IBy Kristofer Dayne Penseyres
f NFT (Non-Fungible Token) was the Collins Dictionary word of the year in 2021, metaverse will undoubtedly be the word of the year in 2022!
Simply put, the metaverse is a virtual community of like-minded people who discuss their interests, play games and meet up regardless of their geographical location. A digital community hub offering a diverse range of experiences.
NFTs are often utilized as avatars in the space, opening up new possibilities defined by true ownership of your digital asset, allowing you to move and express yourself freely in these virtual spaces.
One of those is The Sandbox, a world where you can enjoy a true West Coast house party in the land of Snoop Dogg or test your survival skills in the area of "The Walking Dead.” The Sandbox made $98 million in 2021.
The possibilities are endless. DOGAMI, a French start-up received $6 million from Ubisoft and others in the final weeks of 2021 to construct the world's first Petaverse, a virtual pet dog metaverse that will serve as the Tamagotchi of the future for the generation of crypto-savvy gamers.
Whether you’re ready or not, welcome to the year of the metaverse! |113

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