Page 65 - OCEAN BLUE - FALL 2015
P. 65
“Architecture should speak of
its time and place, but yearn for
- Frank Gehry
An architect who combines has a pair of binoculars as the entrance
artistry, imagination, to the parking garage, and that’s just
architecture, function the tip of the iceberg.
and challenges accepted Gehry does not make buildings – he
design paradigms. A Canadian who creates landmarks. They are innovative
made his home in California, this structures with a presence that honor
mainstream challenger continues the space as well as the function of
to make audacious architectural the building; humanistic places that
statements worldwide. people like to be in. People love to
Gehry says an architect “is given a be in the Walt Disney Concert Hall
program, budget, place and schedule with its signature Gehry curving walls
and sometimes the end product rises and acoustically-perfect, hardwood
to art.” It is art that this Pritzker furnished interiors.
laureate creates without a doubt. "I approach each building as a
The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, sculptural object, a spatial container, a
Spain, initiated his luminary status, space with light and air, a response to
intriguing the world with its wavy context and appropriateness of feeling
structures and incongruous materials. and spirit. To this container, this
He designed the global headquarters sculpture, the user brings his baggage,
for Facebook, The Experience Music his program, and interacts with it to
Project in Seattle, which was inspired accommodate his needs. If he can't do
by a Stratocaster guitar and the Los that, I've failed," declares Gehry.
Angeles Chiat/Day advertising agency
building which among other novelties 65