Page 33 - OCEAN BLUE - SPRING 2018
P. 33
“Be kind whenever possible. It is
always possible.”
- Dalai Lama
Gyatso’s charisma, broad-based education and to more than 67 countries in six continents. “Love and compassion are necessities,
relentless nonviolent advocacy has made him He has received over 150 awards, honorary not luxuries. Without them, humanity
one of the world’s most influential leaders. In doctorates, and prizes in recognition of his cannot survive.”
1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for message of peace, nonviolence, inter-religious
his non violent struggle for the liberation of understanding, universal responsibility and - Dalai Lama
Tibet and also became the first Nobel Laureate compassion. He has also authored or co-
to be recognized for his concern for global authored more than 110 books and held
environmental trepidations. discussions with heads of state and participated
In 2011, Gyatso officially separated “the in many events promoting inter-religious
church from the state” by declaring the Dalai harmony and understanding.
Lama’s position a nonpolitical one, leaving What is his message? Fundamentally he
all political authority to the democratically believes the purpose of our lives is to be happy
elected Tibetans-in-exile. The Dalai Lama, if and to get there one must practice compassion
reincarnated, from this time on is decreed to and kindness. One of his dictums is:
be purely a position of spiritual authority. “Follow the three R's: respect for self, respect
The 14th Dalai Lama has spoken to millions of for others, responsibility for all your actions.”
followers at hundreds of conferences, lectures For the 14th Dalai Lama, happiness is simply a
and workshops worldwide. He has traveled matter of kindness. | 33