Page 106 - OCEAN BLUE - SUMMER 2014
P. 106
The Little Blue Book
Photo by: Ruth Peterkin
Cabo Continues to Amaze Me!
I am privileged to work at a hotel that Where: La Osteria Tapas Bar, San José del Cabo
welcomes A-list celebrity and high- Who: No, U2!
profile guests, and as is the one and What: Bono, the Edge and Larry give an
only way, unobtrusive service and impromptu concert to the surprise and delight
privacy are imperative and my responsibility. of the local crowd in attendance.
Trust me, it is not always easy. I tremble with Cabo’s genuine artistic spirit, historical charm
nervousness seconds before greeting these and understated sophistication entice many
esteemed personalities while simultaneously world-wide travelers to enjoy our never-
wishing I could ask for a ‘selfie’. ending summer, whether relaxing, working,
living or taking to the stage of a local bar.
So when the stars take to the streets and this We are all so very lucky to live in Cabo!
lucky girl just happens to be where they are,
well you can imagine, the first thing I do is ask
for a photo!
With Bono