Page 23 - OCEAN BLUE - SUMMER 2015
P. 23
The World's Billionaires
Top Ten-2015
The proximity - location, location, Los Cabos has a long history of #1 Bill Gates Microsoft United States
location - and the Los Cabos lush attracting billionaires and celebrities.
landscape, spectacular views, sunny Anchored by ultra-luxury hotels, #2 Carlos Slim Helu Telmex México
climate, secluded beaches, highly the region attracts droves of wealthy
trained staff and championship golf second-home owners as well. These #3 Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway United States
courses combined are reasons why second homes are often fully staffed
the elite choose to alight in Los Cabos. including butlers who coordinate a #4 Amancio Ortega Zara Spain
In fact, you can barely go anywhere complete crew of permanent or on-
in Los Cabos without running into a call private chefs, massage therapists, #5 Larry Ellison Oracle United States
billionaire or two. surf and health coaches, personal
They don’t just come to relax either. stylists and any other service deemed #6 Charles Koch Diversified United States
They also choose to invest. Modern necessary. Los Cabos does ‘not do
development didn’t start until well at mediocrity’ to paraphrase #7 David Koch Diversified United States
the 1940’s and 1950’s when Cabo British tycoon and billionaire Joe
gained, and still has, a reputation Lewis.
for big-game fishing. In the 1980’s, And it does not have to. In the 2014
the Mexican government invested FORBES’ annual billionaire issue
heavily in the infrastructure which 1,645 people around the globe were
allowed the destination to boom. listed with a net worth in ten or more
Wealthy newcomers began building figures. The Guardian observed, that
mansions on the cliffs and trolling “…the last years will be remembered
the local waters in their yachts. as good years for the world’s super
Developers are now including rich.” From championship golf
marinas for this yachting crowd. The courses to exquisite resorts and lavish
marina at Puerto Los Cabos currently spas to miles of pristine beaches
has 200 slips that hold vessels of up to and just a hop, skip and a jump
400 feet. Cabo San Lucas has a 300- from everywhere, the tip of the Baja
slip marina. peninsula is in a league of its own.
A jet-set hot spot for North Its timeless tranquility provides the
Americans and Europeans as well, perfect billionaire’s playground.
#8 Christy Walton Wal-Mart United States
#9 Jim Walton Wal-Mart United States
Dieter Esch #10 Liliane Bettencourt L’Oreal France
Source: 23