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The Options Are Endless

David Hockney

“I’m just a worker, always have been. I’m happiest when I’m working. So I work every day, weekends make no difference. As an artist, I’m driven. Always have been really. I can still stand up for seven hours a day, painting. Artists don’t retire. They go on.”

– David Hockney

The artist David Hockney portrays the essence in the simplest still life concept of flowers in a vase, pool paintings, seated double and single portraits which invite the viewer in, and even landscapes that provide viewer dialogues through his incredible use of reverse perspective and rich palette.

Hockney was born in Yorkshire, U.K. He was awarded the Royal College of Art gold medal in 1962. In 1963 he moved to LA where he produced singular images of urban life until the early 70s when he continued with his fascination of landscapes. He continues to produce, creating thousands of iPhone doodles as well as huge landscapes like “Bigger Trees Near Warter” which is a 40 by 15 foot work of art consisting of 50 canvases in oil.

There are numerous books and documentaries about Hockney. Currently the works of this innovative septuagenarian can be seen at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, in “David Hockney RA: 82 Portraits and 1 Still Life”, in “The Yosemite Suite” exhibition at the LA Louver, in Venice, California, and Melbourne is hosting the “David Hockney” exhibition curated by the National Gallery of Victoria featuring more than 700 works from only the last ten years of the artist’s career including paintings, digital drawings, photography and video works.

“The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you’re an artist.”

– David Hockney

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