The current hustle and bustle of our daily lives can leave us emotionally and physically exhausted. Technology is our greatest weapon, but also our biggest enemy. With everything at our fingertips, and being reachable 24/7, we need a little breathing room. Do you see where this is going? Now, more than ever it’s important to seek out ways we can unwind and reconnect with ourselves.

Which brings us to the “Bali Spirit Festival” March 24-31 2019. Nestled in the exotic rice fields of the small town of Ubud in Bali, Indonesia, it is a festival dedicated to meditation, authentic relationships, breath work, dance, and healing.

The festival started in 2008, so while it is still fairly new, it is safe to say no one will have any Fyre Festival issues. The celebration is aimed at creating a community who can gather through dance, yoga and diversity with its vision further enhanced by being a not for profit. Over the last ten years the event has given back over $100,000 US dollars to local organizations for children’s programs, the environment, HIV and more.

Ubud was chosen as the spot for the festival, as it is considered by many locals and tourists to be the epicenter of cultural activity in Bali. Most likely because the town’s Royal family is a patron of the arts – founding the Pitamaha Artists Cooperative in 1936 – that focuses on integrating traditional Balinese art and Western art. So, any one attending is wise to bring extra cash and leave room in their luggage for some “must have” unique shopping finds.

But, of course we are not here to shop, we are here to dance, breath and chill with Ubud acting as the perfect blissful location. With greenery and tranquility it is here you can recharge your inner self, reconnect with your real desires, focus on inner calm and have authentic conversations with like-minded people.

Bali Spirit Festival is a great time to ditch your international cell phone plan and connect with a few of the 5,000 people in attendance representing over 60 countries. The sessions are also run by a host of international experts in their fields with every night hosting a dance party.

This really is the ultimate eat, pray and hopefully love festival.