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Martha Stewart’s Tequila Watermelon Wedges

Martha Stewart’s tequila-spiked watermelon wedges and the rich coconut cake Tom Cruise sends to friends are on our summertime eating agenda.

Sliced Watermelon popsicles

Domestic Goddess Martha Stewart’s refreshing snack borrows flavors from margaritas. Tequila and Triple Sec infuse the watermelon slices, which also get a spray of lime juice and a sprinkling of Himalayan salt or Tajín powder, Mexico’s chili-lime seasoning. The longer the watermelon soaks the more flavorful it becomes.

  • 1 small watermelon, quartered and cut into 1-inch-thick wedges
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¾ cup water
  • ½ cup Tequila
  • ¼ cup Triple Sec
  • 2 limes, halved or cut into wedges
  • Himalayan salt or Tajín
The Tom Cruise Cake

There’s a coveted gift each year among Hollywood’s A-List celebs officially known as Doan’s Bakery White Chocolate Coconut Cake. It’s a personal favorite of the famous actor, so much so that Cruise sends it to friends and family nationwide each holiday season. Recipients include Tom Hanks, Kirsten Dunst, Henry Cavill, Angela Bassett, Elle & Dakota Fanning and Graham Norton amongst others.


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