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The Asia Foundation – A Peaceful, Just, and Thriving Asia

The Asia Foundation - Scenic photo

The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit international organization dedicated to improving lives, expanding opportunities, and helping societies flourish across a dynamic and developing Asia. Their work involves collaborating with innovative leaders and communities to build effective institutions and advance pathbreaking reforms.

For over sixty years, The Asia Foundation’s programs have aimed to address critical issues addressing five overarching goals – strengthening governance, empowering women, expanding economic opportunity, increasing environmental resilience, and promoting regional cooperation.

Although their homebase is in San Francisco, The Asia Foundation works through a network of offices in 18 Asian countries and in Washington, DC. In 2016, the organization provided $87.8 million in direct program support and distributed textbooks and other educational materials valued at $9.5 million.

The Asia Foundation is helping to create a future in which innovation, good governance, and sustainability define the Asia-Pacific region. With continued support they can further this vision and strengthen their impact over the coming years. Visit www.asiafoundation.org to learn more.

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