5 majorly expensive Christmas gifts for dad

This holiday season, what do you get the man who has everything? You probably have to get creative is the short answer. Fortunately for you, we spent some time doing the research for you and uncovered this short list of not-so-ordinary gift ideas for dad. One thing to note, they’re going to cost you.

  1. Baccarat Crystal Camel – $180,000

You can’t put a price on how many times dad helped you out of a jam, but you can show your love by throwing down a small fortune on exquisite handmade Baccarat crystal from France. The back of the animal is a crystal vase, and it’s made of gilded bronze and diamond cut clear crystal.

     2.  Tibetan Mastiff – $1-2 million

Photo courtesy of AKC.org

What dad wouldn’t appreciate man’s best friend showing up on Christmas morning in a red bow, but you will pay a pretty penny for the these precocious pups with a pedigree. A few years back, one sold at an auction for $2 million.

3. Giant Infrared Healing Clam – $14,000

Courtesy photo by slaylebrity.com

It’s a giant clam, which on one hand is an interesting conversation piece, but it’s also a personal sauna with tiny infrared lights that penetrate into your aching joints. Also, it’s full of jade stones and in traditional Chinese medicine, jade is a dream stone. It calms the mind and helps us release our limitations and enjoy abundance.

4. 24k gold shoelaces – $19,000

Courtesy photo by sneakerfiles.com

Why not? Only ten will ever be made, and your father could be sporting one of them by the New Year. The company that makes these will deliver anywhere in the world if the shoe (laces) fit within your budget.

5. Bugatti Chiron – $2.7 million

Courtesy photo by elcomercio.pe

The Chiron is said to be the fastest, most powerful, and exclusive production super sports car in Bugatti’s history (if you’re inclined to buy the advertising hype). It is a unique piece of artwork on wheels and luckily has two seats—one for you and one for dad.

Hopefully this gave you some inspiration for those last-minute gifts for dad.  

Destino – ICF

The  numbers  clearly  reflect  the  educational  dilemma  in  Mexico:  40%  of  the  population  does  not   complete  a  basic  education,  and  of  the  31  million  students  currently  enrolled  in  required  education,   approximately  5,000  students  drop  out  of  school  every  day.  In  fact,  out  of  the  34  Organization  for   Economic  Cooperation  and  Development  (OECD)  member  states,  Mexico  recently  ranked  34th  when  it   came  to  education.  This  is  unacceptable. But  even  for  those  students  who  remain  in  school,  the  quality  of  their  education  is  a  major  concern.  The   government’s  financial  commitment  to  education  in  Mexico  is  low,  with  only  0.8%  of  the  GDP  going   towards  early  childhood  social  investments.  This  leads  to  overcrowded  classrooms  and  lack  of   textbooks,  underpaid  and  unequipped  teachers.

The  end  result  is  lower  quality  of  education,  and   learning  outcomes.  For  example,  only  40%  of  students  who  achieve  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  Mexico  have   a  level  of  reading  comprehension  that  allows  them  to  adequately  understand  and  retain  the  content   they  are  reading,  and  express  relevant  opinions  or  ideas.  The  link  between  these  poor  educational   outcomes  and  a  young-­?person’s  ability  to  secure  a  job,  and  thereby  break  the  cycle  of  poverty  is  clear.   Speaking  of  poverty  –  as  is  the  case  in  most  countries  -­  the  population  most  impacted  by  the  lack  of   investment  in  education  in  Mexico  are  those  already  struggling,  at  the  lower  economic  ranks  of  society.

These  families  struggle  to  not  only  attain  a  quality  education,  but  often  to  access  formal  education  in  the   first  place.  While  public  school is  technically  free,  there  are  financial  commitments  such  as  nominal  fees   for  certain  middle  and  high  schools,  required  materials  and  uniforms,  transportation  costs,  and  social   factors  such  as  special  needs  or  disabilities,  childcare  for  younger  or  elderly  family  members,  all  of  which   make  attending  school  a  costly  proposition.  Many  teachers  also  reference  factors  such  as  students  who   simply  don’t  have  enough  to  eat  to  give  them  the  nourishment  and  energy  needed  to  get  through  a  full   school  day,  students  who  have  fallen  into  gangs  or  drug  use,  and  students  who  suffer  abuse  at  home  or   are  traumatized  by  previous  experiences  in  an  educational  system  that  lacks  oversight  and  proper   administration.   Despite  these  conditions,  many  civil  society  organizations  and  influential  private  and  philanthropic   players  in  Mexico  are  committed  to  improving  access  and  quality  of  education  for  students  of  all  ages.   There  are  rays  of  hope  for  reform,  thanks  to  organizations  like  Enseña  Por  México,  who  are  stepping  up   to  change  the  education  system  from  the  inside.

Enseña  Por  México  –  A  Ray  of  Hope   Enseña  Por  México’s  mission  is  to  empower  young  adults  to  improve  educational  outcomes  in schools   and  become  socially-­conscious  leaders  in  their  future  careers.  As  of  2018,  they’ve  managed  to  reach   60,000  students  across Mexico  with  their  methodology  which  embeds  highly-­trained  teachers  into  low   performing  schools  across  8  different  states  of  Mexico.  Thanks  to  funding  from  the  International  Community  Foundation,  50  teachers  are  currently  wrapping   up  their  second  year  at  30  schools in  La  Paz,  right  here  in  Baja  California  Sur,  benefitting  over  7,500   students.  ICF  and  Enseña  Por  Mexico  are  currently  fundraising  to bring  the  program  to  schools  in  and   around  Los  Cabos!

As  a  member  of  Teach  For  All  —  a  global  network  that  strives  to  improve  access  to  quality  education  —   Enseña  Por  México  trains  and supports  leaders  in  the  education  system.  Like  its  prestigious  and  proven   U.S.  counterpart,  Teach  for  America,  the  goal  is  to  train  young leaders  who  commit  to  two  years  of   teaching  in  a  low  performing  school.  Unlike  the  typical  public  school  teacher,  Enseña  Por  México  teachers  use  a  one-­to-­one  methodology,  which  encourages  self-­learning  and  soft  skills  development,   bringing  about  a  holistic transformation  in  the  students  in  both  their  academic  and  social  lives.

The  young  leaders  that  Enseña  Por  México  selects  and  trains  are called  PEMs,  or  “Teaching  Professionals   for  Mexico”.  These  PEMs complete  a  rigorous  leadership  training  while  serving  two  years  as teachers  in   underserved  primary  and  secondary  schools,  and  leading community-­?driven  service  activities  alongside   their  students.  The methodology  emphasizes  spending  time  with  individual  students,  listening and   responding  to  their  needs,  and  real-­?world  application, instead  of  the  typical  memorization  and  lecturing.

Enseña  Por  México  and its  PEMs,  successful  students  are  those  who  not  only perform  well   academically,  but  those  who  also  engage  with  their  community,  improve study  habits  and  demonstrate   improvements  in  their behavior  and  personal  lives.  Ultimately,  Enseña  Por  México  strives  to  foster  a   transformation  that  is  personal,  social,  and  educational  for every  student  —  and  every  teacher!

How  You  Can  Help  Students  (and Teachers!)  in  Baja  California  Sur   Enseña  Por  México’s  committed teachers  can’t  transform  the educational system  without  the  support  of   generous  donors.  In  2018,  the  International  Community  Foundation and  our  donors  are  supporting   Enseña Por  México  in  La  Paz,  while also  working  to  expand  the  program  to  Los  Cabos  and  the  San Diego-Tijuana  border  region.

To  learn  more about  how  to  support  these efforts  directly  or  through  ICF  (a  U.S.   registered  nonprofit organization),  please  contact  Program officer,  Eliza Brennan:  [email protected]  or US   Tel:  619-­336-­2250.     If  you  have  an  organization  or cause  that  you  care  about  and  need assistance  in  your international   charitable giving,  we  encourage  you  to  visit  www.icfdn.org.

Luxurious First-Class Flights

When it comes to air travel accommodations, it is common knowledge that first-class, next to having a private jet, is the best and most luxurious way to fly. First-class describes the service, staff and exceptional amenities that are provided to pamper the air traveler.

Some airlines partner with professional Michelin-star chefs and high-end, recognizable brands to bring their flying experience to a superior level of first-class.

Qantas Airlines’ Australian chef, Neil Perry, recently introduced an eight-course tasting menu served with award-winning complimenting cocktails. Singapore Airlines brought on eight world-renowned chefs, including the U.S.’s famed Chef Alfred Portale, to form their International Culinary Panel. Its investment of $500 million U.S. in the inflight dining experience has led to Singapore Airlines effectively raising industry standards across the board.

Many different airlines offer unique travel amenities. Qatar Airways provides elaborate gifts such as pajamas from The White Company and amenity kits by Giorgio Armani, BRIC’S and Nappa Dori.

Other airlines impress with their unique luxury facilities. Etihad Airways takes hotel comforts to the skies with The Residence, a three-room suite containing a living room, bedroom and a private bathroom with shower, accessorized with Acqua di Parma toiletries. Emirates Airways offers private suites with mood lighting and beds that can be placed in zero-gravity position, to “reduce pressure on the person’s body and create a feeling of weightlessness.”

Singapore Airlines’ lavish, upscale, private suites feature, among other amenities, a Poltrona Frau upholstered leather reclining swivel chair, floor to ceiling sliding doors, and the option of a double bed for those traveling in pairs. Singapore Airlines won the Best First Class Experience for 2018, awarded by AirlineRatings.com.

For luxury options, regardless of provider, the aerial competition for excellence in first-class in-flight experiences is sure to benefit all discerning voyageurs.

Ágatha’s Universe

Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada is the 12th marchioness of Castelldosríus, Grandee of Spain, and the 29th baroness of Santa Pau. With studies at Barcelona’s Escuela de Artes y Técnicas de la Moda, at age 20, she began an internship with designer Pepe Rubio. A year later, she presented her first collection in Madrid and ever since her designs have been shown internationally.

Her designs are a true medium for artistic vision expressed in over one hundred licensed fashion accessories incorporating perfume, children’s clothing, ceramics, linens, books, eyewear, and more. The products are distributed through Ágatha’s flagship stores in Madrid, Paris, Milan, Bogota, and Oporto, as well as through her online store, and a number of multi-brand stores in over 150 countries. Her repertoire also includes set designs for theatre, opera, and dance performances, theatrical wardrobes, theme parks, furniture, murals, gardens, restaurants and much more.

Ágatha has been a guest of honor and a representative of Spanish fashion on catwalks all over the world including France, Japan, Russia and Mexico. Her elegant, extremely accessible, and undeniably spectacular collection for the Fall-Winter 2018-2019 season is simple and distinguished, yet reinvented with maximum theatrical impact and her trademark humor – the Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada way.

There is no longer any excuse to not “Ágathathize” one’s self.

“My love of color bred success.” – Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Climb Every Mountain

“One must conquer, achieve, get to the top; one must know the end to be convinced that one can win the end – to know there’s no dream that mustn’t be dared. – George Mallory, Climbing Everest

The adrenaline-rush of getting to the top is only a small part of the pleasure of the conqueror. It starts with proper training on small mountains, building experience and knowledge, until finally reaching the peak. For the modern-day adventurer, these key elements combine to present the obstacle that must be overcome.

For many celebrated mountaineers, like George Mallory, it is a lifestyle. He does it, “Because it’s there.” Mallory’s mountain, Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is fraught with difficulties. Good training can be undertaken at Mount Kilimanjaro, the less extreme, second highest world peak.  Celebrities and heroes, such as Cheryl Cole, Duncan Bannatyne, Ray Lewis, DJ Seth Troxler, and Retired Marine Sgt. Kirstie Ennis, to name a few, have banded together to summit this mountain to raise awareness and funds for charities.

Whomever the climber, whatever the mountain, be it metaphor or real, the surmounting of the challenge is a fundamental, some might say essential, part of humanity. To make the world a better place at the same time gives us faith that any obstacle can be overcome.  

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

Just Getting Started – Maye Musk

A strong work ethic, a positive outlook, and healthy living can take you anywhere. At least that is what we can be led to believe when we take a look at the accomplishments to date of Maye Musk.

Musk gives credit to her parents who were honest, hardworking and adventurous. This solid-footing has fared Musk and the world well. She tried to instill those values, the same ones she applied to her own life, which was wrought with challenges, in her very successful children: Elon, Kimbal, and Tosca.

Musk started modeling at the age of 15, while studying nutrition. She has earned two Master’s degrees in this field. Her parallel careers continue. A successful mother, she ran her nutrition business for over 45 years, and has been breaking records and paradigms in the modeling world.

At age 70, Musk was chosen as the face of Covergirl. She has been featured on the covers of Vanity Fair, Vogue, in the Beyoncé video Haunted and in a James Bond video game that her ten grandchildren are particularly fond of.

“As long as you’re doing something that is good for the future, then I think you should remain positive and do it.” – Maye Musk


REM KOOLHAAS: Creating Modern Urbanity

“Infrastructure is much more important than architecture.” – Rem Koolhaas


Koolhaas is an architect extraordinaire shaping the social structures of this planet as he goes along. His specialty is identifiable only in his sense of play. The social aspect of his gravity-defying and surprising structures not only incorporate their original purpose, but add to it, taking into consideration the urban planning aspect as much as the architectural.

Rem Koolhaas was born in Rotterdam and started off in journalism. A multi-talented social thinker, he attended the Architecture Association School in London. After graduating in 1972, he conducted research in the United States, during which time he wrote the book, Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan. Much of Koolhaas’ work in the twentieth century was esoteric and theoretical. He often claims only five per cent of his projects have come to fruition.

In 1975 he cofounded the internationally renowned Office for Metropolitan Architecture, or OMA, with architects Elia and Zoe Zenghelis, and Madelon Vriesendorp. OMA is now led by nine partners, including Koolhaas, and the company maintains offices in Rotterdam, as well as Beijing, Doha, Dubai Hong Kong, Perth, and New York. He has also founded AMO, OMA’s research and design studio, a think tank approach of “…architectural thinking to domains beyond.”

Around the world cities have been permanently transformed by Koolhaas with projects such as: the China Central Television (CCTV), the Seoul National Museum of Art, the Seattle Central Library, the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, and the Casa de Musica, in Porto, Portugal.

Current work includes the recently completed Fondazione Prada in Milan, the Audrey Irmas Pavilion, a new addition into the Wilshire Boulevard Temple’s Glazer Family Campus in Los Angeles, and San Francisco Bay’s Transbay Block 8.

The Pritzker Prize jury described Koolhaas as, “…that rare combination of visionary and implementer — philosopher and pragmatist—theorist and prophet.” Outspoken, talented, and with unlimited vision, Koolhaas is devoted to creating modern urban spaces that complement twenty-first century living, including the soon to be opening Taipei Performing Arts Centre.

Urban/Civic Sites

“As more and more architecture is finally unmasked as the mere organization of flow—shopping centers, airports—it is evident that circulation is what makes or breaks public architecture….” – Rem Koolhaas

An Evening with Casa Magoni at Herringbone Los Cabos

An Evening with Casa Magoni took place at Herringbone on Saturday, September 22nd from 7PM – 10PM. Guests enjoyed a luxury 5-course wine dinner that paired Herringbone Los Cabos’ elevated food with Casa Magioni’s stunning wines. The wine maker and sommelier helped to guide guests through their handpicked varietals.

After a bespoke welcome wine cocktail, Executive Chef of Herringbone Alex Branch explained the restaurant’s “Fish Meats Field” concept before the Enologist from Casa Magioni elaborated on the winery.

The menu was:

Choice of:

Compressed Local Cucumber almond romesco, jicama, chili powder, preserved lemon
Baja Farm Fresh Arugula & Watermelon Radish Salad pork belly cracklings, black garlic vinaigrette
Casa Magoni Chardonay Vermentino, Valle de Guadalupe


Pan Roasted Ocean Farms Totoaba pistachio puree, baja plum and banana pepper relish
Casa Magoni Manaz Viognier, Valle de Guadalupe


Creekstone Farms Sirloin Cap green bean “toreados,” avocado and jus
Casa Magoni Merlot-Malbec ensamble, Valle de Guadalupe
DESSERT Chocolate and Vanilla Toffee Cake Casa Magoni Nebbiolo Valle de Guadalupe


Chocolate and Vanilla Toffee Cake
Casa Magoni Nebbiolo Valle de Guadalupe

Executive Chef Alex Branch
Winemaker Camillo Magoni
Farmers & Friends: Baja Farm Fresh, De Garo Ja Mat, Cabo Fresh

Photos courtesy of cabopictures.com.


The Galapagos Archipelago is home to some of the world’s most unique wildlife. The islands are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 97% of which was declared a National Park in 1959, followed by the establishment of the Galapagos Marine Reserve in 1998. Snorkeling and diving here feels like an ocean safari, while exploring on foot resembles a fiction movie. The rapidly increasing human population and tourism however, are putting enormous pressure on the fragile ecosystems and wildlife.

For almost 60 years the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (CDF), an international non-profit organization based in Galapagos, has worked in partnership with the Galapagos National Park Directorate, providing scientific knowledge and assistance to ensure the conservation of the environment and biodiversity of the islands.

Dedicated to scientific research, CDF through its Research Station currently operates twenty-one projects following three major themes: conservation of ecosystems, restoration of ecosystems, and sustainable development and human well-being. More than one hundred scientists, educators, researchers, support personnel, and volunteers from all over the world work to fulfill its mission.

In order to commemorate its 60th anniversary in 2019 and spread awareness, numerous local, national and international events will be organized. Stay tuned and support CDF!

The Magical and The Mundane

Daniel Bilmes is a talented and successful Los Angeles-based painter. The visual impact of his work is both intriguing and familiar. His more colorful works invite the viewer to not only see, but almost feel the essence of that perfectly applied paint’s tone.

In his more recent works, the spectator responds to the depth and sensuousness in the sepia-toned artist’s touch. Obvious is the young artist’s technical skill, however it is the personal vision that reverberates in the viewer. Bilmes’ website describes his work as combining “…realism with elements of symbolism and abstraction,” which “…weave together the magical and mundane.” Bilmes’ work has been the subject of various features including in Fine Art Today and The Blue Reviews18 Artists to Watch in 2018”.

Daniel Bilmes studied with his father, Semyon Bilmes, the noted artist and teacher. Being immersed in art from such an early age has laid a lasting foundation of curiosity that continues to drive and inform his work today.

“The oil paintings of Daniel Bilmes have an ephemeral quality to them. Using light layers and a limited palette the artist paints figures that are poised in moments that feel highly symbolic.” – The Blue Review

Whole Body Cryotherapy – Go or No?

The Futuristic Wellness Technique of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy capsule in cosmetology clinic. Cryo sauna for whole body cryotherapy treatment.

Cryotherapy was discovered in Japan in the late 70s by Dr. Toshima Yamaguchi. It is a nonmedical treatment where one is immersed in an unbelievably cold cryo-chamber, usually generated by liquid nitrogen, where temperatures are as low as minus 240 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cryotherapy is based on the principle that quick immersion in extreme cold ignites the body’s defenses. Sore muscles feel better, similar to placing a frigid bag of frozen peas on them, because the penetrating cold constricts the blood vessels, reducing inflammation. As the body recovers from the shock of the intense cold, it goes into survival mode. This theoretically induces weight loss because the body’s metabolism is increased. In addition, proponents say the blood is enriched by the adrenaline-assisted jolt, making the body work better, and feel less pain, which contributes to better humor and better sleep.

Scientifically, the consensus is that there has not been sufficient time nor research to prove its therapeutic benefits. However, many athletes and celebrities swear by it, including: LeBron James, Floyd Mayweather, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Aniston, and Justin Timberlake, to name a few.

The Master of Omakase Dining

Chef Masayoshi Takayama apprenticed under the direction of Sushi Master Sugiyama Toshiaki, at Ginza Sushi-ko in Tokyo. He named his first restaurant in L.A. after his mentor. In New York City, his eponymous restaurant, simply named Masa, is noted as being one of the most expensive restaurants in the world.

Chef Masa’s commitment is “…to bring 100 per cent of the essence of something, the umami, to the outside.” The Omakase dining courses are seasonal, and prepared, according to the chef, “…so the innate character of the ingredients persists.”  The freshest ingredients, including fish and seafood, are brought in on a daily basis from all over the world. Chef Masa’s gift is providing out-of-this-world savory, sensual, delights.

The ambiance is of meticulous perfection engaging diners in intimate dinner theater awash with tranquility and culinary history. Masa has 26 seats, the most-desired ones closest to the action at the hand-carved sushi bar. Reservations must be made at least a month in advance.

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