Once considered the earnest goody-two-shoes of Hollywood, Anne Hathaway has undergone a delicious renaissance. At 41, the Oscar winner is embracing her authenticity and reveling in her reinvention.
Gone are the prim sweater sets, demure airs and princess roles. These days, Hathaway is rocking latex and bralettes in sensual photo shoots, and promoting a sizzling new role in The Idea of You as a 40-something divorcée entangled with a Harry Styles–esque boy-band member (Nicholas Galitzine).
But it’s not just about the looks. Hathaway has shaken off her people-pleasing tendencies and found inner peace as a mom of two. She’s an intense soul who dives deep into her roles, from struggling addicts to unhinged psychologists. And despite initial backlash about her earnestness, she’s emerged as a radiant, self-assured woman.
In an industry that tries to put women in pretty little boxes, Hathaway is blasting through boundaries with her bold choices. She may be older and wiser, but this Scorpio is just getting started, scorching up screens and red carpets alike.
Welcome to Anne Hathaway 2.0.
“Hollywood used to tell her she wasn’t sexy. She knew better: “I was like, ‘I’m a Scorpio. I know what I’m like on a Saturday night.’
— Vanity Fair