Page 19 - OCEAN BLUE - FALL 2016
P. 19
T he tangible effects class will be formidable. In 2015,
of Mexico’s growing it totaled 14.6 million households.
middle class are Another 3.8 million households will
reflected in recent join its ranks by 2030.
pro-business regulatory reforms, as Already, the influence of the middle
well as the recent investments the class is being felt. Luxury Society
government has made in energy and reports that Mexican consumers are
telecommunications. Since 2013, the “reassessing their values and priorities
Mexican government has opened up and are more focused on getting the
the petroleum industry to private most out of life, with a clear desire for
sector participation and has allowed authenticity and well-being.” These are
for competition in electric power values that are in perfect alignment
generation. with the communities of Los Cabos,
and what we at Ocean Blue celebrate
It has also raised the cap for Foreign with our magazine.
Direct Investment in telecom and To us, luxury goods are a source of
broadcast sectors to 100% and 49.0% great joy and beauty – a testament
respectively. This brings with it the to the heights of human ingenuity,
opportunity to tap into one of the creativity and achievement. As an
most underserved mobile commerce industry, the demand for luxury goods
markets in Latin America, unleashing often brings with it the instruments of
an estimated US $5.5 billion market positive social and political change.
by 2019. According to Euromonitor This is why the forecast of a strong
International, this makes Mexico “one luxury goods market in Mexico is
of the brightest telecom landscapes in good news for all of us in Los Cabos.
Latin America, with its large, youthful There is perhaps no better example
and expanding population hungry for of how prosperity and well-being
web-based luxury products.” can transform a region than the
communities in Los Cabos. The
The future prosperity of Mexico is evolution from a remote fishing village
literally in the hands of this mobile- to a world-class resort destination has
savvy generation, not just as a driver of brought with it a higher standard of
luxury goods, but as a crucial force that living for all who live and work here,
will foster the country’s potential in along with the promise of continued
every regard – and most importantly prosperity and the lifestyle we have
– by continuing the demand for grown to cherish on the Baja Peninsula.
strengthening the rule of law. The
influence of Mexico’s growing middle
Dieter Esch