Page 46 - OCEAN BLUE - FALL 2017
P. 46
“World’s Most
Powerful Woman
in Business”
M ary Barra was born and car sharing. Barra has also
the day before established a strategic direction based
Christmas 1961, on putting the customer at the center
the daughter of a of everything the company does, all
General Motors tool and die maker around the world.
and a part-time bookkeeper. Barra In 2014, Fortune magazine wrote
was named GM CEO in January 2014. “[Barra’s] approach is modest and
She was elected Chairman of the GM audacious at the same time: She
Board of Directors in 2016. Later that proposes to alter the mindset by
year, Forbes magazine named Barra behaving differently every day than
the fifth most powerful woman in the any GM CEO behaved in decades
world. She is the first woman to lead a and through her example and a CEO’s
major global automaker. influence, to change the way everyone
else behaves every day.”
Under Barra’s leadership, GM is “My goal is to improve the way people
focused on strengthening its core get from point A to point B and to do
business of building great cars, it in a way that’s responsible and makes
trucks and crossovers, while also the world a better place and improves
working to lead the transformation of the environment.”
personal mobility through advanced
technologies such as connectivity, – Mary Barra
electrification, autonomous driving
Photos Courtesy Of: general motors and steve marcus
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