Page 140 - OCEAN BLUE - FALL WINTER 2014
P. 140
Photo by: Amir Magal
Yoga Superstar
Shiva Rea
The Leading Teacher Of Vinyasa Yoga, Has Been
Described As ‘A Power House Yoga Teacher’ By
The New York Times And ‘One Of The World's
Greatest Yoga Masters’ By Vanity Fair.
Shiva Nataraja is the Hindu Lord of Dance.
Shiva Rea is yoga’s Lady of the Dance.
S hiva Rea a an exploration of the eternal
native of flow of natural movement
Hermosa Beach, through yoga.” Her Vinyasa
California. practice is an energetic, full-
Named Shiva after Shiva spectrum approach cultivated
Nataraja who is the Hindu from years of experience. She
Lord of Dance, she read about uses balanced, fluid sequences
her honorific at a young age, to help empower students to
and was inspired to learn that experience Prana.
‘Shiva is not just the Lord of Rea sells DVDs worldwide
the Dance but also the first and has developed a
yoga teacher’. Impassioned, at following that includes Alanis
age 14 she began practicing Morissette, Will Smith, Jada
yoga from a book she found Pinkett Smith, and Pierce
in the library which later led Brosnan among others. In
to yoga study in Africa and addition to being affiliated
now the world. She is best- with the U.C.L.A. World Arts
known for her Vinyasa Flow and Cultures Program, Rea
yoga and her “Yoga Trance tours, and provides retreats
Dance,” which she calls “… and workshops globally.
Shiva Rea