Page 50 - OCEAN BLUE - SPRING 2015
P. 50

up and coming

Photos: Courtesy Yahoo

    Marissa Mayer

          “Product Management Really Is The Fusion Between
     Technology, What Engineers Do - And The Business Side.”

M  arissa Mayer was appointed CEO                         Many people believe that she also has what it takes to
   of Yahoo in 2012 following 13 years                    enhance and develop Yahoo, though not everyone. The
   with Google. She is an inventor                        challenge has not been easy. When she came on board,
   with several patents in artificial                     Yahoo had gone through six CEOs in five years. To
intelligence and interface design, has an honorary        date, her detractors have criticized her decisions and
doctorate of engineering from the Illinois Institute of   investments and her advocates say she needs more
Technology, and a BSc and MSc degrees from Stanford.      time, money and freedom to do what she does best: fuse
                                                          technology and business.
She is a real-life living and breathing example of every  Not even 40 years young, Mayer is married to lawyer
geek’s dream: gorgeous, excessively intelligent, driven   and investor, Zachary Bogue, with one child. In 2014,
and successful. She played an instrumental role leading   she was ranked the 16th most powerful business
the product management team with user-friendly            woman in the world by Fortune magazine. She is up
Gmail and Google Search when their searches grew          and coming and the world is watching.
from a few hundred thousand to over a billion per day.
With her product leadership success, intelligence and
poise, Mayer has proven that she’s got what it takes.

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