Page 120 - OCEAN BLUE - SPRING 2016
P. 120


By Daniel Penseyres | Photo Of Exmachina Movie

  AVA Robot!

R            obots like Rosie the maid,             as intelligently evolved or financially viable as  written by human beings that produce pre-
             from the 1960’s TV series The          projected.                                         defined outcomes.
             Jetsons, Fritz Lang’s Machine-         That is all changing. The exponential growth       As anyone who has sought financial advice
             Human from Metropolis,                 in the power of technology, digital sensors        recently or tried to open an account in a
Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot and even WALL-E,            and information processing has improved            physical branch knows, you are talked through
C3PO, Optimus Prime and R2-D2 have always           the potential of robots at the same time as        a series of slides and tick boxes, answering ‘yes’
fascinated and entertained consumers. In real       innovation and investment in these devices is      or ‘no’. That is precisely how robots work so
life they have been far less entertaining and less  taking off. Both businesses and consumers can      those processes may as well be automated. But
functional.                                         benefit from the rise of robots.                   for those who dream of a robot banker such
                                                    But will robots work in the world of finance? In   as the robot Ava in Alex Garland’s movie Ex
Sure, robots are part of every factory floor in     many ways, of course, it’s an absurd question to   Machina, keep on dreaming.
manufacturing and have played major roles in        ask because the core condition of any robot is
space and underwater exploration taking on          that it can only follow instructions: algorithms
difficult and dangerous tasks. However, until
recently, robots have not proven to be nearly

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