Page 20 - OCEAN BLUE - SPRING 2016
P. 20
in the Luxury Market
A s the entire world He himself is the child of an
becomes more and immigrant mother from Scotland and
more fascinated with his father was a first generation child
the upcoming U.S. of American immigrant parents from
presidential race I think it is time to Germany. Whatever your political
remember that when the U.S. ballot views are, his campaign slogan to
boxes close on November 8, 2016, no “make America great again” is based in
matter who the new President elect the desire to see America healthy and
might be that the world will still be prosperous in the coming years... and
moving forward and the demand for a strong and prosperous U.S. economy
luxury in every form will continue to transpires into an enormous halo
be high. I believe that demand will effect on the world economy.
be stronger than ever before. Perhaps So I ask, could the U.S. possibly live
it will be spurred on by the ‘Trump without its Mexican business and trade
Effect’. Controversial to say the least, relations? Absolutely not. Mexico and
but no one can deny that the word the U.S. are simply tied together and
Trump has long been associated with are driven to get even closer as time
luxury. goes by because of mutual financial
economical needs.
Arguably the most talked about person The OEC (The Observation of
this year, Donald Trump needs little Economic Complexity) notes in 2013
introduction...TV reality show star Mexico exported $379 billion USD,
and real estate developer are among making it the 15th largest exporter in
his many known roles but he has now the world, $269 billion of that destined
added the most shocking one, U.S. for the U.S., and in the same year, $180
presidential candidate. Most agree billion was imported to Mexico from
his candidacy has set the entire U.S. the U.S.
election process on fire. His unfiltered
comments on immigration have
caused huge controversy in Mexico as
well as around the world.