Page 61 - OCEAN BLUE - SPRING 2016
P. 61


                                                                                                       “I like to open
                                                                                                       the doors of the
                                                                                                       human brain.”

Photos courtesy of Phillipe Starck.


   Philippe Starck is all of the above, but above all he is a man of
     honesty, in the purest tradition of the Renaissance artists.

D  espite his thousands of                        reduction, his love of ideas, his desire to
   projects - completed or in                     defend the intelligence of usefulness - and the
   the making - his global fame                   usefulness of intelligence - have accompanied
   and his tireless protean                       one iconic creation after the other.
inventiveness, Philippe Starck has a mission      From everyday products such as furniture
and a vision: creation, whatever shape it takes,  and lemon squeezers, to revolutionary mega-
must make life better for the largest number      yachts, micro wind turbines, electric cars, and
of people possible. Starck believes this highly   hotels that aspire to be wondrous, stimulating
poetic, political, rebellious, benevolent,        and intensely vibrant places, Starck never
pragmatic and subversive duty must be borne       ceases to push the boundaries and criteria
by all and he resumes it with the humor that      of contemporary design. His technological
has accompanied his approach since the            miracles are vectors of democratic ecology,
earliest days: “No one is forced to be a genius,  focused on action and a respect for the future
but everyone has to take part.”                   of both humans and nature.
                                                  After over three decades of creation, looking        “Subversive, ethical, ecological,
His anticipatory concern for environmental        to the other side of the stars and the horizon,      political, fun: this is how I see
implications, his profound comprehension of       Starck is now turning towards the future more        my duty as a creator”
contemporary mutations, his enthusiasm for        than ever, the destiny that brings us all together.
imagining new lifestyles, his determination                                                                               - Philippe Starck.
to change the world, his devotion to a positive
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