Page 47 - OCEAN BLUE - WINTER 2013
P. 47
“Nobody will do for you what
you don’t do for yourself.”
Mario Gadsden
One of his main goals was to diversify earlier this year, Plaza del Pescador. In 1996, he place on President’s Day.
acquired an important piece of land together Mario was also involved in politics for ten years,
his business interests. His family comes with a group of investors from Houston and but he left to make way for new generations. I
from the real estate world so Mario decided built The Villas at La Montaña, a collection wanted to ask a successful man what success
to venture in the tourism sector, where of sprawling homes within the community means to him: “Giving and never expecting
after encountering a clash of cultures in the of Villas del Mar, the premier luxury resort anything in return; to be disciplined, and the
destination he went on to find the formula that community. greatest gift of life is credibility. You have to
would bring him success, the development of This year, together with a group of local know where you’re going and be very clear
Club La Costa, a 400-condominium complex entrepreneurs and the municipal government, about it; to be hungry and be able to apply the
located in the heart of San José del Cabo and Mario launched The San José Jazz Festival, an values you learned in your parent’s home so as
later a thriving commercial plaza that opened admission-free event that promotes music, not to lose your way. We are life’s spectators,
gastronomy, and art in addition to raising and as long as you are a spectator, it means you
funds for a local non-profit. The festival takes are enjoying life.” 47