Page 51 - OCEAN BLUE - WINTER 2013
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From a very young age, Ron played After his years as a real estate developer
football and dreamt of becoming a in Texas, in the early 1970’s where he
pilot but fate took him to the real built office and apartment buildings as
estate world. He graduated from Rice well as shopping centers he traveled to
University in Houston with a Bachelor Cabo with his partner Ken Schnitzer
of Business Administration degree. A to play golf and purchased a small
Certified Public Accountant, he has sliver of beachfront land next to the
over forty years experience in real One&Only Palmilla Hotel to build
estate developments. six homes, breaking ground on the
With two daughters and two premier luxury community of Villas
grandchildren, he declares himself a Del Mar. The homes were sold before
happy and fulfilled man. Ron says he completion and the vision for a world-
never looks back, always forward. He class community of luxury villas
lives in Los Cabos, and starts his day overlooking the Sea of Cortez was
at five in the morning when he goes born. Today, 186 homes make up Del
to the gym and practices box with his Mar’s collection of vacation homes in
personal trainer. He then works from its three luxury resort communities,
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. He says he is not Villas Del Mar, Espiritu Del Mar,
interested in retirement, as he loves and Oasis Palmilla. The residences
what he does and could not think of a are famous for their unsurpassed
better place to be. craftsmanship and impeccable design.
“Our ´Vision’ is hard When asked by Ocean Blue how he maintains his successful endeavor after nearly
work and setting a twenty years at its helm he replies by saying that “There are two primary factors.
standard for quality. One is that we´ve had great economic support throughout this time, so even
It´s relatively easy to though the market place has had some ups and downs, we´ve been able to keep
ourselves capitalized in order to maintain a quality product. The other factor is
design homes, but the the quality of what we do, whether it´s building houses or providing services.
challenging part is to We´ve been able to establish a level of quality that we continue to improve on,
continue to improve our and as a result, our current homeowners recommend us to their friends and
acquaintances. We have delivered on what we said we were going to do, and this
level of services.” has enabled us to establish a community that continues to evolve.”
Ron Hatfield Ron would like to be remembered as he is today by his more than two hundred
employees and is grateful for having had the opportunity to watch them grow
and be a positive influence on them. Ron feels better than ever, he enjoys Los
Cabos greatly and likes frequenting local restaurants like Maria Corona, Capella,
One & Only Palmilla, and Zippers. 51