Page 54 - OCEAN BLUE - WINTER 2013
P. 54

up and coming

Together with his younger brother,     In 2012 Mr. Michel once again
Lander, Michel undertook the           expanded his interests in luxury
acquisition and rebuilding of China’s  goods, this time by becoming the
oldest luxury watch brand, Federico    exclusive distributor for Asia of the
Iguzzini, in 2007. Following the       Mexican luxury brand Pineda Covalin,
brand’s revival, its products have     whose fashionable silk designs include
become some of the most sought after   ties and scarves, as well as shoes and
pieces in the world.                   purses inspired by Mexican and Latin
Despite a marketing strategy that      American arts and culture.
depends entirely on word of mouth for  Today Stephan Michel is based
promotion, Iguzzini has found success  between Hong Kong and Singapore,
with its very limited-edition designs  from where he oversees his multiple
(the company only makes 150 to 200     business interests and remains actively
watches per year).                     attentive to the next big idea.

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