Page 134 - OCEAN BLUE - WINTER 2016
P. 134



W  elcome to the “sub-                            The main characteristics usually used to           they suggest the emergence of a financial fine
   zero-rate” world with its                      define art markets can be summarized in the        art market where fine art is considered as a
   ZIRP, NIRP and QE. This                        following way: high-risk investment, illiquid,     new asset class.
   means that bond yields                         opaque, unregulated, high transaction costs,       Some high net worth individuals view art as a
are now negative in Switzerland, Germany,         at the mercy of erratic public taste and short-    pure financial investment and with the growing
Finland, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium,           lived trends.                                      need to diversify portfolios, there should be
Denmark, France, Ireland, Sweden, Italy and       Artworks do not generate any cash flows            space for more investment products that offer
Spain. So, irrespective of the credit quality of  that can be discounted, however, income can        an indirect exposure to art and other collectible
those borrowers, bond investors in all of those   be obtained through lending, with expenses         assets. For now, some of these individuals are
countries are guaranteed to lose money if they    incurred for storage, insurance and associated     enjoying valuable art either exposed in their
hold that short-term paper until it matures.      costs. The art markets are also currently          living rooms or hidden in freeports.
Strangely, when asked about risks, these          virtually ‘unhedgeable’.
investors tend to remain on the conservative      This short description of the art markets might
side and continue to fear the volatility of the   be enough to discourage many. However, if we
equity, currency and commodity markets.           take a closer look at the latest trends which are
                                                  directly or indirectly affecting the art markets,
So wealthy individuals are asking their bankers:
Should «Art» be considered for my portfolio?

               By: Daniel J. Penseyres

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