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Frank Arnold – A LIVING MASTER

Internationally known abstract artist, Frank Arnold, has drawn Mexico’s leading Gallery District into the spotlight.

Though tempted by the New York and Mexico City art scenes, Arnold chose to locate his home, main studio and gallery in San Jose? del Cabo. Simply put, he found that New York and Mexico City offered too many distractions for the way he needs to work. He still has a second studio space in Mexico City and a third in California but most of his time is spent in Los Cabos. Any Thursday in Los Cabos during high season you will likely find Arnold in his gallery. Over the course of the evening into late night hours, hundreds of people will filter through this amazing and beautiful space to view the art and meet the artist. The Gallery District’s weekly event has a festive, almost magical atmosphere, and is the busiest night of the week where the mood is friendly and energizing.Press from all over the world come to meet and interview Arnold. Like a major movie premiere, the mood is friendly yet energizing.

Press from all over the world come to meet and interview Arnold. He has described his method and process of expression in the book, ”UNLOCKED”, he co-authored with noted depth psychologist, Dr. Jim Manganiello. Manganiello states,

“Frank is a celebrated abstract figurative painter and sculptor. So although I missed Kandinsky, I can now explore the interface between art and psychology with a living master who works as Kandinsky did, from his deep interior and out of inner necessity. Like Kandinsky, Frank’s heart is ablaze with the passion needed to create inspired images.”


Their book explores the concept of unlocking our own sense of creativity to discover who we really are. Arnold explains his personal process of creative expression as,

“I go to a place where no words are spoken, a place where there is no sound, no smells, even my sense of touch goes away. I am le in a bright place where things seem to be given to me. It’s a wonderful place where I feel I can do anything, a place that I am so grateful for because I can see.”

Arnold is always working, painting, sculpting or traveling to a show or book signing. He feels very lucky to be in Los Cabos, such a rare jewel, and part of such a thriving art community. He has created a place and set a pace, which suits his creative process, keeping his work honest.


Arnold prefers to be at home, in Los Cabos, with the love of his life, his wife Carmen. He credits her with his understanding and love for Mexico and the people, as well as making his simple life seem elegant. And it is in Los Cabos where he gets his inspiration on his daily walk out to the Sea Of Corte?s, followed by work in his studio, and meeting new people in his gallery.

Photo Courtesy Of: Frank Arnold.

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