With the holiday festivities and family functions over, the beginning of January is traditionally a time to organize and plan for the year. For many these plans are work related, projects for a business, conference dates go into calendars and so on. This year make January a chance to set up a balance between work and personal life. While this can be difficult and means something distinct for different people, here are a few key tips and strategies.

Write out a weekly work schedule and see where there is an opportunity to put social or personal blocks of time and actually put it in the calendar. It seems silly at first since it is not as ‘important’ as work but in reality it is. Making time for yourself and friends or family or exercise will help you be a healthier and happier person which will make you a better worker or boss. Success goes beyond material wealth, successful people are also people who value their health and wellbeing.

Personal goals are important. If there are hobbies you already know you enjoy, set a goal to help motivate your continued progress. Sign up for a race or tournament if it’s an athletic hobby. Reading a book a month is a great goal which helps us develop personally and professionally, provides quiet time and improves our mind.

Take the days off you deserve and decide whether you want to use them to relax and recover or adventure and develop. Either option is valid as well as a combination. Wellness days at the spa or yoga classes are wonderful ways to pamper oneself and recharge.

For those fortunate enough to run their own company, focus 2019 on learning to delegate or finding the right people to be able to delegate to. This might be the hardest thing to do but can make the biggest difference in work life balance.