The beautiful Baja Peninsula is not only home to many prospering communities but also a flourishing marine life. These thriving communities have been successful due to the essential efforts done by many local organizations to protect and conserve the biodiversity of Baja.
The ten Baja Waterkeepers are part of those groups doing the amazing work to ensure the right to safe and clean water in the beautiful communities of Baja that we call home. The Baja Waterkeepers Fund at the International Community Foundation (ICF) supports the regional collaborative of these ten Waterkeepers fighting for clean water and healthy communities.
Collectively the Baja Waterkeepers are conducting monthly monitoring programs on over 75 coastal sites for bacteria and pollutants that pose public health risks. The results are published immediately on Swim Guide – an app that provides real-time water quality information on the beaches you are visiting. The Waterkeepers are ensuring you stay informed that your favorites beaches are safe for swimming for your family and friends.
Additionally, the Waterkeepers are building resilience in their communities by leading environmental education workshops, beach cleanups, youth leadership programs, conducing illegal fishing surveillance and leading efforts to restore and protect watershed ecosystems. Their work is countless and extremely vital for our thriving Baja communities.
Most recently, their work was effective in collaborating with their local partners in passing the single-use plastic ban in Baja California Sur. Now, they are diligently working to implement this ban by educating their community (businesses, hotels, schools, restaurants, etc.) to focus on changing their plastic use and moving towards a more environmentally conscious choice.

Strengthening their work helps shape future environmental policy and behavior in this incredibly biologically diverse region. You can be a part of the solution when you donate to the Baja Waterkeepers Fund.
For more information on the Baja Waterkeepers, contact Angelica Leyva, [email protected]