Page 141 - OCEAN BLUE - FALL 2016
P. 141
G etting accurate up-to-date If you are
pricing isn’t always easy, which not ready to
further complicates investment
decisions. A possible solution diversify
may come from the Singapore Diamond your
Investment Exchange or SDiX where such
innovative investment products are listed. investment
The exchange offers a standardized price with
discovery and trading platform that is regulated diamonds
to industry standards, enabling the trading of then why
diamonds with the same ease as other asset not just
classes. By improving entry and exit channels,
SDiX reportedly offers the first platform to give make the big
investors direct exposure to diamonds without MAC, your
the corporate risks of mining companies or the
illiquidity of “diamond jewelry.” A reading of partner's best
its detailed handbook is recommended. friend!
As with other investment categories, the
most successful investors are the ones who
are knowledgeable, informed and prepared;
who work with professionals and can afford
the accelerated risk levels that come with this
investment category.
Source: SDiX, G.Nannicini, J. Tan, Auer,
Bloomberg, Barclays, Low. E.Golan