P. 118


                By: Daniel J. Penseyres

                           “A horse! A horse! My

                        kingdom for a horse!”

                                hile sports venues are often eager to attach grandiose  300,000 stylish people, whom often partake in a good old-fashioned
                                adjectives to their premier events, the fact that the  English picnic prior to the races.
                                Royal Ascot is genuinely royal is unassailable. The
               W Ascot Racecourse, about 40 kilometers outside of  For those looking to diversify their portfolio while potentially giving
               London, was founded by Queen Anne in 1711.                 their money a little giddy-up, investing in thoroughbreds is an exciting
                                                                          avenue to take as an alternative investment, despite the risks. Given the
               The five-day thoroughbred Royal Ascot race takes place each June. It has  possibility of increased market volatility is it the time to move from
               been attended by Queen Elizabeth II every year since 1945. The Head of  common stock to livestock?
               the Commonwealth certainly has a deep understanding and passion for
               the Ascot. Her Majesty maintains a racing and breeding operation with  W hether one has the means to buy a horse outright or to use a bloodstock
               25 to 30 racehorses in training at any given time. The Ascot Racecourse  agent to buy, essentially an index fund of colts, it pays as an investor to
               hosts races throughout the year, but the Royal Ascot meeting, which runs  know how to get the most bang for your buck, and what to look for to
               Tuesday through Saturday, is the highlight of its calendar drawing about  see if your horse is going to be a dud or a stud.

               Photos Courtesy Of:  Boston Herald , Forbes,
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