Page 108 - OCEAN BLUE - WINTER 2016
P. 108


By: Nöemi Soto

   San Miguel de Allende
                    Historical - Colorful - Enriching

S       an Miguel de Allende, for me, has           with distinguished arts festivals. It has long      walls in terra-cotta, maroon, ocher, chocolate
        gone from being a most enjoyable            been an artist’s retreat, full or part-time home    brown, dark green, and the intense blue known
        weekend destination to becoming             to many established authors, musicians and          as azul añil. They are adorned with plants and
        my home. With its colorful                  artists.                                            fountains, bordered by vaulted arcades and
colonial houses, traditions, friendly people        The best way to discover the 469-year-old           columned galleries, and often serve as open-air
and intercultural offerings, it has captured my     colonial city is to wander its cobblestone streets  living rooms; the private version of the public
heart.                                              and discover its hidden treasures. Interior         plaza. Attached to these gardens are homes
                                                    decorating shops abound with Mexican pottery,       and high-ceiled boutique hotels delightful with
San Miguel de Allende is included as a UNESCO       glassware and artisanal work from throughout        their corbelled beams, carved-stone fireplaces
World Heritage Site for its state of preservation,  Mexico. Among these narrow streets are              and balustrades, colorful tile work, sculpted
authenticity and integrity enticing national and    gardens, Spanish-Moorish courtyards of              plaster, and other distinct notes of the past.
international tourists. Enfolded in its Baroque     private homes with vivid colors painted on high
Spanish architecture is a thriving arts scene

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