Page 48 - OCEAN BLUE - SUMMER 2015
P. 48
up and coming
E lizabeth money her parents had saved
Holmes’ for tuition as seed money for
story is one the company.
of passion As a self-made billionaire
and wanting to give people dropout, she joins an
more information and power illustrious group of modern
regarding personal healthcare. wonders including David
She shares, “Fundamentally, Geffen of DreamWorks, SKG
the answers to our challenges and Steve Jobs, of Apple, Inc.
in healthcare rely in engaging Holmes states, “I think a lot of
and empowering the young people have incredible
individual.” ideas and incredible insights,
but sometimes they wait
Holmes’ fear of needles before they go give their life
motivated her to develop a to something. What I did was
less invasive way of taking just to start a little earlier.”
blood and testing samples; Holmes, born in 1984, is the
with only a pinprick of youngest self-made female
blood up to 70 lab tests can billionaire in the world. She
be run with results in less ranked 121 on the 2014 Forbes
time than traditional tests. 400 list and is the youngest
She dropped out of Stanford woman on that list too. Her
University, at age 19, to net worth is an estimated $4.5
create a revolutionary blood billion.
diagnostics company, now
called Theranos. She used the
Photo: Courtesy Fortune Magazine